Saturday, August 2, 2008


Well, I finally decided to catch up with everyone else and get a blog of my own. So welcome to my blog and and congratulations, you are reading my first blog ever! :D

So this summer was actually pretty fun, I got to go to Girls Camp and I was a YCL, finally! It did get a little annoying after awhile because so many girls (mainly in other wards) felt the need to raise drama trauma... oh well.

I also did went on a pioneer trek for 4 days. Lemme tell you, 20 miles is not as easy as it sounds. Grace and I both went on it and enjoyed it quite a bit except for, you know, horrible blisters, no showers, and having to wear pioneer dresses 24-7. Don't get me wrong, it was a great experience the kind you only do once in your life. My parents wrote letters to us and they were delivered to us via the pony express (aka some people who came with us on horses). When you have been walking 'till your feet are sore and you are exhausted a letter from you parents telling you how much they love you can really make you cry. I really hope no one saw me; I was cryin' like a baby. Anyway, here are a couple pictures from the trek.

Here's me and the sandbag baby, awwww... :P that thing was like 10 pounds, oy!

Here's me and Grace before we started the trek. We look fairly clean here ^-^

Here are the boys in my group :). From left to right: Levi, Shelby, Pa Eisenhaeur, Jonas, Kyle, and Jacob. They were all so nice and supportive of us girls when we had to do the women's pull (all the girls had to pull the wagons up 3 steep and rocky hills while the boys walked along the side; they were in the Mormon battalion). All in all it was an amazing experience, but I don't think I'd want to do it again.

School starts in 2 weeks, and I am going to be a Junior, yikes! I finally get to take an art class this year, yesssss... and I am out of my advanced classes. I was having trouble in my honors English class so I am glad I can just kick back this year (a little) and have a much easier time in English.

That's all I have to say for now, thanks for reading!